Q: (by Ahmad Awwah): Assalamu-alaikum! A: (by Chaudhary Abdullah): Walekumas-salaam wa rahmatullah!
Q: Every act is destined at a certain time...how often you are talked about, Abbi (my father) quotes you in his speeches; I have been looking forward to interview you for the Armughan magazine, published from Phulat. A: Maulana Ahmad! Armughan stands in no need of introduction. I could not study Urdu but I regularly get it read to me by others. I keep asking Hafiz Idrees and Maulana Wasi to pity us and bring out its Hindi edition. When I talk about it, it seems as if we are going to get it the very next month but I understand it’s difficult to bring out a magazine in a short span. However, I have promised to get them at-least 500 subscribers for the Hindi edition. Q: Inshallah we will get it done very soon. Please introduce yourself to our readers.
A: I was born on sixth of December, 1951 in a village near Phulat to a family of Jaats. My father was a zamindar and an intermediate pass out of the British times. He lived for 101 years and served as the headmaster of the primary school where our former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri had taught. I have also studied in the same school up-to standard eighth. Then went on for education till twelfth from Khatauli. Environment back at home was such that I got into physical training and body building. I used to wrestle in the local arenas and succeeded to earn a name all over U.P and Bihar. I was a dauntless chap since childhood. I and my brothers had inherited the concern for others' well being from our father who always cared for the poor and the weak. He paid their school fees, stood by them in their testing times and was ready for help always. Such feelings grew with me and I had strong sentiments to stand up for the weak for which I even got into enmity with the rogues and murderers. Then the play for power began and I had to group with some wrongdoers whose company affected me and I became infamous in the district. People feared my name, even the policemen! I thus suffered from overweening pride. Some even started collecting cash from the wealthier ones in my name whereas I still sided with the poor and the oppressed. I started the business of property dealing and Alhamdulillah it worked well for me. I got many resident colonies constructed in my name and by the prayers of some poor fellow I had helped, I was very successful in business and 26th December was the day my Lord destined guidance for me. Q: Tell us how you embraced Islam. A: I had helped the poor and my Allah helped me…'I- who was once the master of the rogues!'…..Actually, my anger knew no bounds and sometimes my whole body would start burning, once I went to the doctor and it was found that I suffered from high blood pressure; the illness kept growing. Due to severe pains, I would get myself injected and soon got addicted to Fortwin dosage! Four injections everyday!
Once I went to a doctor's clinic in Khatauli and there was a telephone exchange nearby, your father had booked a call and was sitting, waiting in the clinic when I reached. Handing over the injections to the doctor, I asked him to give me a double dose. Maulana Kalim Siddiqui knew that For-twin can cause ten hour drowsiness to any normal man but I was sitting right there talking after a double dose! He was surprised and showed excess worry and concern towards me as if it was he who suffered. He said to me, "Mr. Chaudhry, you are being cruel to yourself, why do you get these injections?" to which I replied, "My whole
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body pains, it’s unbearable; my anger knows no limits...I have to resort to these every morning and evening." Maulana became restless "four Fortwin a day? You are committing suicide. Didn't you try other treatments? Please stop taking these. And what is it that angers you so much?" he inquired. "Whenever the rich and the powerful intoxicated by excess pride oppresses the weak and the poor, I feel like killing him or killing myself! I'm even being tried in my cases for my activities. As for the injections, I have tried to get rid of the addiction, stayed in hospitals for months, spent lakhs in treatments but to no avail." I had said.
We rolled our conversations and I told him I have guessed he must be from Phulat and telling him that I was a neighbour of his, I told him my name hearing which he said, "Is that you we read about in the newspapers. Allow me a chance, I m inviting you over to Phulat, please come and stay with us, in a month's time inshallah you will get rid of this addiction!" He wanted me to promise and I who was bowled over with the love and concern he had displayed, agreed to do as he said as soon I got some relief from the courts. I could not forget him; his concern haunted me all the way. I even dreamt of him that night; he was crying and saying to me "Mr. Chaudhry! Have pity on yourself” I was awakened and pondered "What kind of a world is this. On one hand there are people who slit other’s throats for their selfish needs and on the other there are those who can’t see others suffering” I spent the night in utter restlessness. Got up early next morning and was watering my plants in the garden when Hafiz Idrees came to the door. He had brought a letter for me and a booklet, from Phulat. I exclaimed, "Phulat! Just yesterday I met a saint from that place in Khatauli and his affection kept me awake the whole night. He handed over the letter to me and I read aloud calling my nephew's attention to it. I keep it with me always (taking a laminated note out of his pocket) see! It reads…."My very beloved brother, Chaudhry sb! Peace be on him who tread the path of truth. I left the doctor's clinic but my heart stayed with you. I could not sleep the whole night, kept thinking of you; I felt as if the injections were causing harm on me. I have read in the holy Qur’an that death will come unto each and every living being, the destined moment can neither be delayed nor preponed. But there is life after death where either you get glad tidings of the heaven or the torments of hell forever and ever. The fire of the hell is more painful and sufferings severe than this world. It is possible that the heard and the scene be untrue but doubtless is the fact that the sayings of messenger of Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam are true. If you die the death of a non believer, the fire of hell awaits you. I hereby beseech you dear brother to embrace Islam and say from the depths of your heart: Ash hadu Allah ilaaha illallah wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasulu hu (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam). (I declare that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.) Brother! If you don't follow the divine laws and constitution sent by Almighty in His Holy book, then you will suffer in the hereafter, there will be no returning back and nothing but remorse to company. How would you ever know the limits of my restlessness last night. I got up from the bed and supplicated to my Lord, 'O God! This man has suffered to save the poor and weak. He has risked his life for the sake of your creatures, he deserves your mercy and your guidance....’I have faith in Him that He will listen and accept my prayers. Indeed I have a strong feeling that my prayers have been answered. Please send us the good news of your becoming a Muslim so that my heart would get some peace. The last messenger Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam who was sent with this Kalma I m calling you towards has an introduction in the pamphlet I m sending you along. I pray to Allah that you pay heed to my feelings and may Allah keep me and you on the path of guidance and may we meet our deaths on the same, Wassalam, Yours affectionately, Mohd Kaleem, 13 December, 1997.
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Q: What followed?
A: I was reading the letter aloud to my nephew and believe me the love and compassion it reflected enslaved my whole being. I wanted to go up-to Maulana and do as he say but since I had to appear in the court for a very important case, had to meet the lawyers and talk to witnesses, I asked Hafiz Idrees to convey my message to him that I will see him by tonight or tomorrow.
That day I came very late from Muzaffar Nagar and found it inappropriate to visit Maulana, I planned for the next morning. When I reached Phulat at around eleven, he had already left for some place. I went again, 8 or 9 times! Couldn't see him, maybe my love was being put to test. It was only on 23rd December, Maulana returned from Bulandshahar and asked Hafiz Idrees to convey to me that he would be home and I can come over. Again I had three hearings that day, it was late at night but I along with my nephew set out on my motorbike in the chills of the night to meet my benefactor. I reached Phulat and Hazrat Maulana came out in the khanqah to meet, however on my request of privacy, I was taken inside the home where I confessed my love and readiness to accept whatever he asks of me. I proceeded saying "There are two ways of my embracing islam, either I pronounce the shahadah in public and be appointed as a mua’zzin or at some other service in the mosque or I have two wives and children on whom I must work upon, that I can only do once I am free from the court proceedings. I m ready for both conditions and would do as you say! Perhaps you are not aware that I was in-charge of Shiv Sena in the district. On December 13th, having received your letter, I resigned from the post determined to follow your steps the rest of my life."Maulana listened to me all this while and then said, "For the content of my heart, would you not say the kalma before me?" I told him I had already read it in his letter and believed from the depths of my heart. I had even chosen name 'Abdullah' for myself. Maulana highlighted the need of revival of one’s faith every now and then, so I repeated the kalma after him and was named Abdullah which he said is one of the names dear to Allah.
Q: What happened after that?
A: Maulana advised me to learn namaaz and
work on my family members.
Alhamdulillah! In just two month's time my
second wife and her four children have embraced
Islam. I was worried about the court trials but
acting on his advice of salaatul tawba and salaatul
haajat, I have been provided relief. Just two cases
are pending now. Maulana had said “true tawba
(repentance) to God leads to clearing of the sins
from the account; even angels are made to forget."
Q: What about your addiction to those
A: After accepting the faith, came the month of
Ramzan. Hazrat called me and said, "God has
gifted man with strong will power and
determination. Addiction is haraam in Islam; these
injections are a form of addiction. You must
repent to God and seek His help to be able to fast
in this month. Spend some-time with us during the
last days in a’etkaaf." He encouraged me. I
offered salatul tawba and mustered up the
courage. I had to fight severe pains in the legs and
arms but didn't give up. I had decided to haraam
doings. Due to certain reasons of the court I
couldn’t came for aetkaaf.
Again he sent Hafiz Idrees for me and I came
to Phulat, spent 3 days in the mosque. I have
heard that people of Phulat have critised Maulana
for allowing a rogue in the mosque but
Alhamdulillah all my complaints and questions
were answered when I talked to Maulana. And
finally I got rid of the Fortwin addiction.
Dear Ahmad! Only a month had passed since I
met Hazrat Maulana and I was free from addiction
which I had been trying for over 20 years.
Q: You said you were in-charge of the Shiv
Sena? Didn't you feel like a stranger in Islam?
A: Not at all. I felt as if I was a Muslim by
nature. Everything in Islam is as if it’s in my inner
soul, it's the call of the conscience.
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Q: What about your wife other than the one who embraced Islam? A: She has not as yet accepted. I divorced her and gave her, her share. A son and a daughter live with me in Delhi, as per the suggestions of Maulana; it has helped me in making my faith public. Q: Hasn't Abbi appointed you as a Da’ee?
A: Is it possible? Thanks be to God Almighty, whatever I do, I do it for deen. My brother ran a high school where majority of students were Muslims. I offered him the suggestion of adding Qur’anic studies and Urdu in the curriculum to attract more students from the community. He agreed. Actually, it occurred to me only after I had asked the kids at school to recite the kalma and they couldn't! It pained me and I knew something has to be done about it. My brother too has accepted Islam now and I have named him Abdurrahman, another name dear to Allah! And the school? It more of resembles the Madarsa today, Alhamdulillah. Q: Your message to the readers of “Armughan” A: A man should never be judged by the circumstances he is into. A rogue like me, head of the Shiv Sena… and one more thing let me tell you, "There was a man who had embraced Islam and came to Phulat. Whenever his wife would cry before me, I pitied her and pledged to kill that person and along with him the Maulana as well…" let there be another case piled up against me I had thought. But Ahmad! When I came into the folds of Islam, truly speaking, as if I was a born Muslim, it’s been “IN” me for all the years I lived. All one needs is a loving guide. It’s very true that we Indians are easy prey to affection and true sympathy. Ay I am in love with Maulana, head to toe. He is very right in saying, "plotters against Islam are mere patients and their enmity are cries of pain…one must not hate them but pity them, love them. Love cures all. Please pray for me that i die a momin's death.
Yasir Qadhi – 100 Years Without a Khilāfah (And: Do We Need to Re-Establish
How can the establishment of the Khilafah help our current state?
11 months ago
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